Unfolded MIRAGE
Year: 2020
Type: Interactive Installation
Documentation Video
The system begins with the volumetric capture of the exhibition zone using a stereo camera rig. A multi-layered shader with feedbacks processes the camera feed in depth, normal, point cloud, and albedo to visualize the detected human or subjects in motion in abstract, painterly forms.
In an era deprived of privacy, people are constantly under surveillance by ubiquitous cameras. However, in this project, the machine becomes the subject—dehumanizing the exhibition space by erasing biological forms and translating them into pure data, expressed through light and color. Capitalism and centralism drive this pervasive surveillance, especially through cameras and machine vision, both in public spaces and on personal smartphones, gathering biometric data with the goal of being as precise and representational as possible. Unfolded Mirage takes the opposite approach, seeking the sublime beauty of visualization through disintegration.
A mirage in nature is an optical phenomenon where light rays bend through refraction, creating a displaced image of distant objects or the sky. In this installation, a cyber mirage is simulated by bending the long tunnel between seeing and knowing, human and machine.